Sunday, March 7, 2010

A "normal" day! Ha!

Wow. Time has flown by and it's March! Spring is right around the corner! Spring Break is a few weeks away and the sunshine is here in Central Ohio for the first time in a long while!

We've been super busy here. Jenna's basketball season just ended and they won every single game up until the last. She has really matured as an athlete and it's been fun watching her learn to defend herself and drive to the hoop. She's 10 now and grew 3 inches the past year. :-)
Grant is doing well in school. He still struggles a bit in the afternoon; however, he's reading very well now which is a huge answer to prayer! Thank God for Reading Recovery! :-)

On Friday, I bought my "new to me" car! It's an 07 Honda CRV and it's wonderful!

The real reason for this post is to share with you a site that I really enjoy reading.

One of the blogs that I follow (when I have time-ha!) is

This week she asked us all to write about a typical day in our lives. Here's mine:

5:30 alarm is set to go off, realistically I'm up out of bed around 6 am. Shower & get ready for school. Get kids up and dressed. Help them get packed up for school and off to the bus at 7:35. Then it's off to work I go! I usually arrive at school a little before 8. Kids arrive at 8:15 and we hit the road running with Language Arts (my personal favorite) block for 2 hours and then the kids have related arts (Library, Music, PE or Art) and I have a short break. Rarely do teachers use the restrooms...mostly we rush around trying to tie down loose ends and prepare for the rest of the day/week. Then it's Math time. I'm really trying to learn some great ways to utilize my Smart Board. I used to have an ELMO; however, now I'm using the Smart Board for small group works during my differentiated math block. Then it's lunch at noon and recess duty at 12:30 every other week. The afternoon is split up into 2 Social Studies classes. Teaching Social Studies is a blast! Right now my classroom is set up like colonial Williamsburg and the kids are experiencing dame school, college of William & Mary, shoe making, slavery, church and the governor's palace. We're having a blast! By 2:45 it's dismissal time and then usually I have a meeting or planning with my ESL, Title One reading or math teacher, team partner, or special education teacher. Then I usually need to put an hour into grading, planning, cleaning/organizing, etc. I try to get home to my kids by 5. Some days it's more like 6. This is when my second shift job starts! It's MOM time! Dinner, homework, piano, reading, a little TV, shower time for kids and bed at 8:30! Since Scott travels 3 days a week to Dayton (an hour each way) we rarely see much of each other. When he is home, we usually watch a little TV before bed and I try to be asleep by 11. I currently am tutoring kids after school one day a week and am the assistant treasurer for my kids PTA. Right now Jenna is in her school choir which is our only after school curricular. My life is quite busy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We have our health, good jobs, family, friends, and the love of God....We're blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I found your blog over at Kelly's Korner. I am a fourth grade teacher, and I couldn't live without my SMARTboard! I just found a great website with lots of fantastic lessons.

    I have a whole list of resources that I pull from. If you would like to know any more, just email me.
