Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Yesterday at 7:14 pm I received a phone call that will change my life forever. The district that my kids attend, where I live and absolutely adore has hired me to teach either 4th or 5th grade! I am esctatic. So grateful. Quite relieved. Have you ever had something in your life (or someone) that has caused you such joy? For me teaching is the best job anyone could have outside motherhood and marriage. Investing in kids is not only rewarding but oh so fulfilling! I called everyone that I thought would want to know and my sister in NC said, "you're 10 for 10". While it's not 10, it is 7:7! I have been blessed to always land on my feet. Now, I'm NOT a cat person at all (they're cute but cause highly allergic reactions to my body, but I appreciate all the prayers and support and encouraging words from family, friends, past principals, colleagues and parents. So it's official: I am a teacher in the wonderful Worthington School District and that's why I am on cloud 9.

P.S. New we come!

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