Thursday, August 13, 2009

I want to be an ANT...

Have you ever stopped to watch an ant hill? I love seeing how every single little creature is pulling their weight- literally-in helping move heavy items and building their home. They don't stop to complain, they just keep on going. I love that about ants; however, I really do not appreciate them when they are running around my house!

Yesterday Jenna told me that she had ants in her bedroom. Ha! She might as well have confessed to having food in her room, so I thought. Upon investigation, we learned that the hermit crab food (coconut flakes) are enjoyed by ants as well! Rather than crush them that instant, I had the kids watch them as these tiny little buggers carried larger than life pieces of coconut to their hidden home. It was amazing to watch!

Sometimes (okay, a LOT) lately, I find myself so overwelmed with the crazy list of "to do" items for home, school, kids, DH (dear hubby) that I start to talk myself out of digging in and just accomplishing what I can. Rather than focus on the huge item(s) that I need to "move", I miss the now moment that is right in front of me. Ants are strong! So am I. Enough with the whiny "I can't do it all today!" I'm going to try to pick up the first item and work hard to get 'ur done as they say in the west.

Sure, my ant hill seems very far, but I can do it!

It's hard to thing that one week ago I was at the beach with my family enjoying the ocean and the waves, wind, and R & R. School is right around the corner. Jenna is leaving today to go to Chicago with my mom to visit the American Girl Store. Her doll has a hair appointment (crazy, huh?) to fix the lovely unbraided mess she currently has. It's a quick trip and it will be a wonderful grandma & me time for her. That makes me smile.

Grant and I are going to hang out today together and do something fun. Yesterday we went to the movies & then over to the zoo to see BECO, the Columbus Zoo's newest baby elephant. So cute. Check out his photo on my July post below. We also saw our favorite little monkeys, the Bonobo tribe. They are hilarious!

Last night was PTA social and that was a lot of fun! Today my sweet friend Kaye from Chicago is spending the night with her two boys as they travel home from PA. It will be so nice to catch up with her. She and her husband Bill were a couple that we met when we were first married. We all attended the same Sunday School class in Akron and they were our ski friends for years.

Next week is "get my classroom all ready and finalize school mode" week. Getting excited to meet my new students and begin a new journey of learning. As stressful as this time of year is for teachers, it's also exciting to start a new chapter, so to speak!

I love being a teacher.

I want to be an ant.

Oh, that's right...teachers are strong like ants.

Good enough.

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