Saturday, October 10, 2009 into Gratefulness

Well here it is the most beautiful time of the year (in my opinion) when the trees blaze with all the colors they are capable of and the wind cools things down so that we actually want to take longer walks outside and give our lungs fresh air. I don't know about you, but I know that I really find that this season makes me stop and start to be more grateful for all the blessings in my life. Maybe it's because my soul knows that Thanksgiving is right around the corner and my heart wants to start to worship the higher power that has given me much-too much.

Family: I have the nicest husband. He cleans better than I ever could. He works incredibly long days Monday-Thursday (12 hour days) leaving him with Fridays off most weeks. It is a total joy to walk in door on Fridays and have the house cleaned and groceries checked off the "honey do" list. I don't deserve a husband whose love language is acts of service. While it's not how I show love, I do so appreciate the way he does. At times it is thrown into my face in the heat of a "discussion"; however I am grateful and I tell him that. Our family and close friends have watched our 16 years of marriage with many obstacles and despite all the hurdles, we are hanging on strong and that is only because of one thing...GOD. I am grateful.

Kids: Our sweet girl is growing up so fast! She is amazing. Her love for others, her smile, her love of music and helpful spirit are a balm to my weary soul on most days. She is pure sugar.

Then we were blessed with our spicy boy. First grade has been a big change for us all. He has been handling a new rx for his ADHD. I don't care who you are or what your thoughts are on medicating children...all that theory and opinion is tossed out the window when it is your child who is struggling and when the rubber hits the road...a mom has to do what is best for her child. Period. End of story. This has been a long journey...and I'm grateful things are calming down for him at school. Still have concerns that we need prayer for; but things are so much better. I love this little guy. He is a joy to parent. He is a smart kid who has the largest personality of any 7 year old I know...and teaching 15 years, I have known many 7 year olds. Another challenge that I am grateful for.

I have a confession. I have always wanted to be a musician and tour in those really cool buses...traveling all over... eating out....crazy, I know. Good to know that even though God didn't have that plan for me, I am able to see many great concerts and go home and sleep in my own bed! Choices.
Being a lover of music-of all kinds-I have been listening to Selah's new CD. They are an amazing trio from Nashville who sing like they have 1,000 lungs between them and picture perfect pitch. My parent's church hosted them in concert last weekend and my father was their driver from the bus to hotel to venue. All that to say that not only was I blessed by their incredible testimony & songs, I was able to meet Todd Smith who is the husband of Angie whose blog I found a year ago and have faithfully followed. Talk about inspiring! I have never met her and may never (if she ever comes Ohio I hope she'll come over for a cup of coffee and bring her girls for a play date); however, she is a kindred spirit who I pray for and I encourage everyone to follow her journey of losing a precious baby girl and praising God every day for all that He has done in their family's life and those who are me. Her blog has made me a better mother, wife and christian.

Not only should you check out You Deliver Me by Selah, but take 2 minutes to read her blog. Angie Smith...wish she lived next door. Check out her blog. Become a Sunday. It will inspire you.

Want the whole picture? Here is the beginning of the Smith family's it and be grateful for a higher power bigger than anyone or anything.

Amazing, huh? Now wipe the tears from your face and please run out and buy this will change your life...forever. I can't stop singing cut number 3. I am grateful for their music and the world of blog friendships.

Job: I am lucky to be a teacher. It is a rewarding yet challenging job. Making a positive difference in the lives of children who will one day run our country is a privilege. I teach in a small school here in the community where my family lives. I am so blessed to have found a job in this district at this point in my career. Let's face it, it's hard to find a quality job with experience. I am blessed because of the job God has provided. I am grateful.

Well, I'm just plain grateful. Grateful for being chosen to walk this life and share my faith, questions, doubt and blessings. Life is a puzzle and I'm glad that the One above has the answer key already figured out.

Peace this beautiful fall day.

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