Monday, December 28, 2009

Hello Again, Hello!

Wow. It's been over two months since I last posted. Life has been blissfully chaotic and my priorities as a wife, mother, teacher, daughter, sister and friend have come before my blog. I have missed's quite cathartic for this soul.

Christmas was a wonderful time for our families. The kids are getting old enough to really understand the reason for the season-the birth of our Savior. Grant was all about singing "Happy Birthday Jesus" and still contained a TON of energy for his Legos and Star Wars. The Wii was a big hit under the tree and we were able to add some really fun games that will be excellent additions to family game night.

The kids and I have spent some time working out on the Wii Fit Plus and I must say that I really enjoy being a kid again! Spending these two weeks with my family (mostly my kids as Scott is still working) has been food for my soul. I do miss my students; however I'm thrilled to have this time with my kids and family.

We spent Christmas Eve with the Shearer family and Christmas day with the Gales. New Year's will be with all my sisters and their families and we're excited to have game night and catch up with all the new babies that were added this past year. Benjamin and Josephine are adorable additions to our family as well as sweet Leander who was born on Valentine's Day! Talk about baby love!

Growing up in a large family means that when we get together there is much laughter, chaos and practical jokes. Fun times. The kids have now outnumbered the adults so that makes it even more fun.

There is a beautiful layer of white snow on the ground this morning and I'm sure the kids will make their way outside to build a snow person. I intend to shovel the driveway as a surprise for hubby when he returns home this evening.

I so enjoy winter break. Although there is much to do to prepare for school next week, I'm soaking up the gentle days and extra sleep.

Well, besides working out more consistently, I will try to post often in 2010. Please leave comments as it is encouraging to read responses to my blog.


  1. Can't wait for this weekend Laura! :) Love, JO

  2. So happy to see you back in action! : )

    Glad you had an awesome Christmas & hope you'll have a great NYE w/ your clan!

